12 Solar Panels, Gran Alacant

A flat roof in Gran Alacant provided the perfect location for a solar energy system, so SolarNRG had the pleasure to instal 12 panels of 465 WP from the reliable brand JASolar, paired with the MIN 6000TL-XH inverter from Growatt. The total capacity of the system is: 5.58 kWp.

To ensure maximum efficiency for any potential shading issues we installed 4 x Optimizador Tigo TS4-A-O (700W)

Furthermore, we have taken care of all the administrative needs for the client so the client can enjoy their energy system and save money on their energy bills.

SolarNRG took care of the paper work for the legalization and the registration of the Solar system. We also activated a Plan Solar for the client, so that when the batteries are full, extra kwh not consumed at daytime is sold to there Energy supplier.

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